A Square with Gems

Győr, Dunakapu Square Architect: Mihály Kádár Text: Mária Tatai Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Overlooking the riverbank of Győr, the square named Danube Gate was revived in 2015. It appears somewhat abandoned during the week but is quite busy in the evenings, on Sundays and holidays as it is a venue for a variety of events, festivals, […]

Hungarian Solar School Building in the Himalayas

Zangla, India Architects: Dániel Déri , Csaba Nagy Text: Balázs Irimiás Photos: Csoma’s Room Foundation Alexander Csoma de Kőrös, an internationally acknowledged scholar and the founder of Tibetology, spent a formative period of his creative career and his whole life in the Himalayas. After writing his most significant work, the Tibetan-English dictionary and a summary […]

Recreation by the Lakeside

Lakeside Hotel and Training Hall, Székesfehérvár Architect: István Szerdahelyi Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: József Hajdú The revitalization project of the area where the funfair had been is almost complete now. Not far from the centre of Székesfehérvár, Koronás Park was opened to the public in 2014. This year, in turn, saw the completion of Lakeside […]

The Silence Patterns of Terror

The House of Fates, Budapest Architect: Attila F. Kovács Text: György Szegő Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The House of Fates has been built along Fiumei Road featuring monumental sculpturesque characteristics that exert powerful influence. Architect Attila F. Kovács and his client worked out this concept to influence emotions, to also address young visitors, including children, and […]

A szabadság építészete

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Two Experimental Pavilion

Osaka, 1970 Maurizio Sacripanti, EXPO Osaka ’70 MAXXI, Roma, 29 May 2015 – 1 November 2015 “A space that moves may mean a country that moves” Maurizio Sacripanti In movement, pulsating, enclosed by an envelope that mutates in an unpredictable, living way: Maurizio Sacripanti’s entry for the Competition for the Italian Pavilion at the Osaka […]

Belgiumtól Magyarországig

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Atlas of European Architecture

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Plečnik – Zala – Aquila

Three Exhibitions in Kunsthalle Budapest Text: Áron Petneki The exhibitions in Art Gallery (Kunsthalle) Budapest present the oeuvres of a painter, a sculptor and an architect, respectively. The characters of the artists, namely János Aquila, György Zala and Jože Plečnik are separated from each other by historic periods and styles, whilst also are also associated […]

American Picture Postcard from Óbuda

IBS – Aquincum Campus, Graphisoft Park Architect: Kajdócsi Jenő Text: Botzheim Bálint Photos: Zsitva Tibor The buildings formerly belonging to the Gas Works within the premises of Graphisoft Park are protected historic monuments and unique in being so as the structures of the Park are predominantly works of contemporary architecture. International Business School (IBS) moved […]

Tactile simplicity

The Extension of Blind Children’s Home, Budapest Architect: Géza Kendik Text: Anna Zöldi Photos:Tamás Bujnovszky Receiving sponsoring from Azerbaijan, the latest project by A4 studio was built in the hills as an extension of a Catholic children’s home. This high-standard building hides on a hillside in Buda, featuring values that are hidden not only from […]