Architecture in the Hagenbund

Pragmatic Modernism – In-Between Avantgarde and Mainstream Text: Matthias Boeckl The „architecture of the Hagenbund” represents a field of activities on the margins of avantgarde and beyond which regularly supplied standard architecture with the essences of Modernist ideas. AS it was widely accepted it used to have more significant influence that the spectacular expressions of […]

Hungarians in the Network of Hagenbund in Vienna (1900–1938)

The Charm of the “Other Modernism” Text: Éva Bajkay The central museum of Austrian art, the Belvedere devoted an exhibition of new perspectives at the end of to the association of artists named after Josef Hagen innkeeper, the short name of which is Hagenbund. It was not the works of the members but the network […]


Highrise City Frankfurt DAM, Frankfurt, 8 November 2014 – 19 April 2015 How and why did Frankfurt rise to such architectural heights? The exhibition explores this question and offers an overview of the history of the city’s high-rises. It starts with post-war reconstruction via the battle over houses in the Westend district, through to the […]

Jasmina Cibic: Spielraum – The Nation Loves It

Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 30 January – 8 March 2015 Acting as a synthesis of the artist’s past conceptual and formal investigations, the Slovenian artist Jasmina Cibic’s new video installation and project Spielraum: The Nation Loves It, presents the first chapter of the project Spielraum, which will be followed by two subsequent chapters that will be […]

In Memoriam of a House

No. 40 Király Street, Budapest Architect: József Hild (1789–1867) Text: József Vinkó Photos: Martin Fejér Completed in 1844 after designs by József Hild, this Revivalist Classicist building had been one of the gems of the Jewish quarter for some 250 years. Then the association named Óvás („Protection”) made history when starting its activities to protect […]

Kotsis Iván Commemorative Medallion 2014

Béla Kerékgyártó Association of Hungarian Architects, 15 December 2015 Founded in 1989, the medal named after Iván Kotsis is actually a “fair play” prize awarded to Hungarian architects by the Association of Hungarian Architects year by year on December 15th, the birthday of its denominator based on nominations by a board of curators. At the […]

A házak nem hazudnak

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In the Urban Fabric

The New Parish Church of Zoltán Meszlényi the Blessed Architect: Róbert Jahoda Text: Tamás Meggyesi Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky One could hardly take on the task to assess and interpret the new Catholic church of the Lágymányos district in Kelenföld without referring to the contemporary conditions of sacred architecture as such and thus entering into the […]

Sacred Design

The New Image of the Mortuary in Vác Designer: Zsombor Kiss Text: Szabolcs Bence Török Photos: László Beliczay The mortuary in a district of Vác named Alsóváros had been in need of both exterior and interior reconstruction for years. Launched last year, the project actually started with the re-designing of the interiors, leaving us only […]

Piercing Light

Sancaklar Mosque, Istanbul Architect: Emre Arolat Text: Vilmos Katona Photos: Cemal Emden, Thomas Mayer Modernism in Turkey had for a long time been synonymous with national Historicism adapted to the utilization of reinforced concrete. It is quite recently that architects have been given the chance to rediscover local and traditional building materials to resolve the […]

The Archeology of Basalt and Wine

Gilvesy Winery, Hegymagas Architect: Gábor Sajtos Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Standing on St George’s Hill in the wine region north of Lake Balaton, the original structure was built to function as a winepress and winegrower’s house in the early 19th century as part of the Esterházy estate. Grapes and wine were processed here, […]