Technocrat Landscape Design

The Challenges of a Metabolic City Architectural Biennale, Rotterdam, May 29th–August 24th, 2014 Text: Levente Polyák The basic concept of the International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (IABR) is that the environmental issues of the whole world are condensed in cities – thus their solutions must also be found there. It means that energetical transitions, climatic […]

Gaudí. Architecture Ahead of its Time

An exhibition coordinated by the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Az Wien, 2 October – 2 November 2014 The work of Antoni Gaudí is widely known by the general public and acclaimed and esteemed by the international expert world. UNESCO has declared many of his buildings part of the world cultural heritage. However, the […]

Berlin így emlékezik

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Line and Shape

100 Master Drawings from the Leopold Collection Leopold Museum, Vienna, 23rd of May to 20th of October 2014 The collection of the Leopold Museum Private Foundation comprises approximately 5.400 works. 3.400 of these are works on paper, predominantly watercolors and drawings. Already in 2010 the Leopold Museum showed a representative selection of the Leopold Collection’s […]

A periféria archeológiája

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Lebbeus Woods: On-line

Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, 28.6. – 3.10.2014 The Museum for Architectural Drawing presents Lebbeus Woods. ON-LINE, an exhibition of the finest works of architectural theorist, draftsman, educator and architect, Lebbeus Woods (1940–2012). The show focuses on the intensely rendered architectural and urban environments produced early on in Woods’ career. These ink and pencil drawings […]

József Finta : freehandedly

Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, 27 September – 9 November 2014 An exhibition of architect József Finta’s drawing is opening in Vigadó Gallery with the title Freehandedly. The display consisting of travel memories and plans of Budapest and buildings can be seen from 26 September to 9 October. “I keep thinking about what ties the two parts, […]

Announcement of Eight Countries of the Carpathian Basin

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 6-8 September 2014 Text: András Borsos Photos: János Szentiváni In co-operation with the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Kunsthalle, the Budapest-based art gallery, the Association of Hungarian Architects organizes a series of international events between September 6th and 8th. Official participants of this programme were: on behalf of MÉSZ László György Sáros DLA […]

Architectural Time Travel

UIA World Congresses 1978–1996 Text: Judit Osskó Unique in its kind as a worldwide organisation of architects, UIA (Union internationale des Architectes) was founded in 1948 in Lausanne. Not many people know that its founder was Pierre Vago, a Hungarian-born architect. He was only twenty years old when he started to work as editor-in-chief for […]

A függöny felemelkedik

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Fundamentals – The Foundations of what?

14th International Architecture Biennale, Venice Text: György Szegő Photos: Velencei Biennále, Andrea Fábián, György Szegő Curator Rem Koolhaas associated architecture with the century of modernity lasting from 1914 to 2014 overburdened with devastating invasions and terrible sufferings. According to him, the „losers” of this era – that is civilisation as such – managed to survive […]