Quzhou Stadium, China Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: SERGE FERRARI GROUP For almost a decade now, the construction industry of China seems to be heading in a characteristically different direction than that of either Europe or the United States. We could call it an expressive trend; it seems that the results of search for formal paths […]
Aktuális lapszám
Magyar EXPO sikerek, 1851–2021
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„Nekem a tenger a Balaton…”
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Piranesi-díj 2022
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Pritzker-díj 2023: Sir David Alan Chipperfield
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Boros Géza: A Magyar Pavilon a Velencei Biennálén
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Tokaj – A borvidék építészete / The Architecture of a Wine Region
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A Miskolci Építész Műhely
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Barry Bergdoll budapesti előadásai
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Géczi János: Immu Pets
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Régi magyar kertek
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