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Hommage a Puskás
Pancho Arena, Felcsút Architect: Tamás Dobrosi Text: Gábor Erhardt Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The building is erected in the garden formerly belonging to the mansion, wedged in a site defined by the lower fields, the mansion and a street with an inclination of 8 metres. As the house is sunk into the ground it has more […]
Lantern in the Great Forest
Stadium, Debrecen Architect: Péter Bordás Text: András Bán Photos:Tamás Bujnovszky Commissioned to design the football arena of Debrecen, Péter Bordás and his team of architects had to face the challenge of reconciling the clashing criteria of the protected natural environment, the location traditionally used for recreation, a soccer match symbolising urban lifestyle and mobilizing large […]
Sports are bonanza today if managed well
The Economic Aspects of Stadium Operation Text: Krisztina András Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The evolution of stadium designs is a fine illustration of changes in society and economic systems. Stadiums built earlier were primarily meant to function as sports venues, and thus had not raised issues of return or income-generation concerning investment or operation. Nowadays the […]
Sport events within Urban landscape
Mineirão Stadium, Belo Horizonte, Brasil Architects: Bruno Campos, Marcelo Fontes, Silvio Todeschi Text: Mariana Siqueira Photos: BCMF Arquitetos / Casa Digital Mineirão was inaugurated in 1965 as the second largest football stadium in the world, with a total capacity for about 130 thousand people. With its rhythmic structure of reinforced concrete and its monumental proportions, […]
Light Bath
Sports Swimming Pool and Spa, Kecskemét Architect: László Mikó Text: Zsolt Gunther Photos: János Szentiváni The spas built in Hungary are on the way to slowly form an archetype of their own: the visual overload of the buildings and pools forced into quasi-organic forms, overpowering details and exorbitant masses of architectural gags to make people […]
Designs of a Swimming Complex on the Danube Bank
Water Sports World Championship Budapest, 2021 Concept, design and text: Marcel Ferencz Hungary is hosting the water sports world championships in 2017 for the juniors and the adults in 2021. Rated as the third most prestigious sports events of the world today, the Hungarian committee organizing the races chose the Danube bank as the best […]
University in the Prater
The Campus of the WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) in the Prater Architects: Zaha Hadid Architects, BUSarchitektur, Atelier Hitoshi Abe, Peter Cook-CRABstudio, NO_MAD/Eduardo Arroyo, Estudio Carme Pinós, BOA büro Text: György SzegÅ‘ Photos: Hanna SzegÅ‘ Urban development in Vienna in the past 20 years has built a network of underground lines all over […]
Remember the Living Ones
The Chapel of Rebirth, Devecser, 2012 Architect: Makovecz Imre†Text: Sulyok Miklós Photos: Dénes György With the blessings of Providence, it was daylight when the red sludge disaster struck Kolontár, Devecser and Somlóvásárhely in 2010 as sleeping people would have been totally unable to defend themselves against the industrial waste flooding the villages. Even so, […]
Memorial Park, Devecser
Annual Award for Landscape Architects 2014, the special award of the jury’s chairman Text, design and photos: Mária Drobni, István Morvay On October 4th, 2010, the day after the local elections the dam of the reservoir for red sludge belonging to the alumina plants in Ajka broke and the highly toxic industrial waste flooded the […]
Music towards Europe
Gors Cultural Centre, Rezekne, Latvia Architects: Uldis Balodis, Daiga Bikse Text: Eszter Götz Photos: GORS RÄ“zekne is the first city in Latvia where a completely new concert hall has been built from the ground up, and currently it may be seen as the most important cultural building in the whole of Latvia. The design by […]