A kert mint művészet

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Mies van der Rohe Award 2022

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Az összekötés mestere

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DECODE Díj 2022

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World Architecture Day 2022

Architects’ House, 03. 10. 2022 On October 3rd, from 10:00 a.m., the Architects’ House hosted this year’s all-day-long programme to celebrate World Architects’ Day launched by the UIA in 1998. The opening event was a conference held in Kós Károly Hall, which was also the one opening MÉSZ Architects 7 programmes. In 1998 the International […]

MÉSZ 120

120 years of the Association of Hungarian Architects Text: Tamás Ulrich The history of the professional organization founded in the summer of 1902 on the initiative of Ödön Lechner as the Association of Hungarian Architects is described in a unique way in the jubilee publication prepared for the 120th anniversary, the excellent work of editors […]

Architects-in-Chief Awards 2022

Photos: Benedek Bognár Established in 2000, the Chief Architect of the Year Awards have been presented for the 23rd time this year. This award is to honour an active architect, whilst the Chief Architect Oeuvre Award is given to a long-serving or retired/retiring architect. A total of 52 architects have been awarded with it so […]

Jože Plečnik Central European Architecture Prize 2022

Hungarian Architects Honoured in Prague The Jože Plečnik Prize is awarded to outstanding architects and civil engineers for their lifetime contribution to architecture and the cause of the preservation of historic buildings and monuments. It bears the name of Jože Plečnik, Slovenian architect, who was commissioned by President Tomas Garrigue Masaryk to design the restoration […]