The Polish Army Museum, Warsaw Architecture: WXCA Architectural Design Studio Text: György Szegő Photos: Marcin Czehowicz The Polish Army Museum, now completed in the still Tsarist Citadel in Warsaw, was founded in 1920 by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, the first head of state of the Second Polish Republic, at the beginning of the Polish state revival. […]
Aktuális lapszám
Revitalisation of the Pauline Monastery and its Surroundings in Kőkút
MÉSZ-MÉK Diploma Award 2023 Concept and text: Dóra Tihanyi, BME Consultant: Péter Kronavetter DLA The Pauline monastery of Kőkút („Stone Well”) in Salföld is one of the oldest monuments of the order, with a history dating back to the 1260s. The scheme proposes to enhance the significance of the site and to develop its uses. […]
Összeszedni a széjjelhordott köveket
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Small but Strong
The next generation of prefabricated housing Text: Bálint Botzheim Prefabricated housing has been around for a long time and is not usually thought of in positive terms. But there are good examples, and prefabrication has also been a solution to housing problems after disasters. In the 20th century, housing was finally mass-produced in factories. The […]
Hiány és emlékezet
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Keletelt sorsok: magyar építészek Ázsiában
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Sosemvolt Budapest – Tervek, álmok, víziók a főváros építészetének 150 évéből
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Zubreczki Dávid: Templomséták a Balaton körül
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Iwan Baan: Moments in Architectre
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Hollein Calling – Építészeti párbeszédek
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fff – fiatalok feketén fehéren pályázat 2023
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Heil Tibor építészete
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