Thermal Baths in Homoród

BME Diploma Work, 2020 Concept and text: László Bedő Tutor: Miklós Vannay DLA Székelyföld, the land of the Seklers is primarily famous for its cold and mesothermal springs of curative effects. According to surveys, one third of the mineral water stock of Europe is found in this region, more precisely in Transylvania. The design site […]

Wood, Revised

HoHo Tower, Vienna Text: Bálint Botzheim In the the past few decades we have witnessed a rebirth of wood, as a variety of glued and multi-layered wooden materials have become also widespread besides the traditional timber structures. One of the most innovative building materials is the CLT (cross laminated timber) panel, which was developed in […]

építész stúdió 30

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Józan építészet

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Budapest Design Week

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A természet Aalto szerint

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75 év – 75 szék

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Tíz éves a Valyo

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Awards on the occasion of August 20th

On the occasion of the national holiday, Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, and Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources, handed over the Hungarian Order of Merit on 15 March, The Master of Folk Art and the Young Master of Folk Art awards. On March 15, György Skardelli received the […]