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Aktuális lapszám
Tíz éves a Valyo
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Awards on the occasion of August 20th
On the occasion of the national holiday, Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, and Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources, handed over the Hungarian Order of Merit on 15 March, The Master of Folk Art and the Young Master of Folk Art awards. On March 15, György Skardelli received the […]
Vedres György Prize 2020
In memory of the late Ybl Prize-winning architect György Vedres, who died in 1987, his widow founded the Vedres György Prize in 2013, which is awarded annually to an architect under the age of 40, whose high-quality design work resulted in an educational or healthcare building. In 2020, the award went to architect Ágnes Tőrös.
125 years of the International Venice Biennale
Text: Mihály Medve Photo: ASAC Regarding the overall situation of wake of the global coronavirus epidemic, the Venice Biennale redesigned its current events. Roberto Cicutto Biennale director and co-curators described the series of events on their online press conference held on 15 July 2020. The 17th International Architecture Biennale will be presented between 22 May […]
Body of Water Stretched Upward
Aquaticum Open-Air Baths, Debrecen Architect: Péter Bordás Text: Anett Mizsei Photos: György Palkó, Anna Illés Senior designer Péter Bordás and his fellow architects „folded” a refreshing experience into a spectacular box. Seen from a bird’s eye view, the sunbath-deck of the rectangular structure seems to be floating above the foliage of the Great Wood. It […]
The Spirit of the Site
Millennary Széll Gate, Budapest Architects: Mihály Kádár, Szilvia Könözsi Text: Béla Nagy Photos: Zsolt Hlinka In Buda, on the premises of the former Ganz factory one ofthe most exciting parks of Budapest was created. The objective was to make use of the former plant buildings to establish a high-standard urban park offering experiences for every […]
Sophisticated Functionality
Indoor Stables and Riding School, Nyíregyháza Architect: Dezső Ekler Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Built after designs by Dezső Ekler, the stables and riding school in Nyíregyháza have an exterior showing a nice blend of traditional simplicity and modern freshness. Covered with a respectful gable-roof, the building features red fired-brick masonry walls evoking the […]
Trianon 100
Memorial to the Mutual Belongingness of the Historic Regions of Hungary, Budapest Architects: Balázs Zimay, Dániel Déry, Artúr Palotás Landscape: Sándor Mohácsy Text: Ádám Farkas Photos: Tamás Wachsler August 20th, 2020 will be the inauguration day of a new memorial in Alkotmány Street opening to Kossuth Square in Budapest. Maybe in time there won’t be […]
Successful revitalization
Conversion of a Hospital Site, Kaposvár Architects: Ferenc Lőrincz Jr., Ádám Ligeti, Rita Balogh, László Pap Text: Krisztina L. Balogh Photos: Balázs Lőrincz, Alán Szekeres, Róbert Benke, Rómeo Pintér Dr. The 2,7 hectare area starting to deteriorate into slums in the heart of Kaposvár was purchased by the local authority from the state with the […]
In the Sky, On the Ground
New Playgrounds in Budapest and by Lake Balaton Designers: Gergely Hajdu-Nagy Gergely Dr., György Szloszjár, Viktor László Text: Eszter Götz An artificial universe, this man-made environment is a limited space used exclusively for recreation,where children can experience the freedom of motion and play. This is, by and large, also our definition of a playground today. […]
Mansion in Nyék
Vörösmarty Mihály Memorial Museum and Csajághy Laura Stage, Kápolnásnyék Architect: Lajos Ónodi Szabó Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Lajos Ónodi Szabó, Norbert Juhász After 70 years, the simple mansion in Kápolnásnyék has evolved into a genuine memorial museum in which Mihály Vörösmarty, a key character in the history of Hungarian Romantic poetry in the Reform […]