Urban Symmetry

Zsolt Hlinka, Premier Nyomda, 2018, Budapest, 165 page Why symmetry? Because it is perfect: a consciously created or randomly occurring composition that captures the immaculate balance. My artistic aspirations have been built around this concept since the beginnings, approaching it from many different sides, which makes this an inexhaustible source for inspiration for me. My […]

New Cabin Homes

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55 éves az ÉMI

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Otto Bartning

Museum Künstlerakademie Matildenhöhe, Darmstadt 19 November 2017 – 18 March 2018 Photos: Matildenhöhe, Darmstadt Otto Bartning had a strong impact on architecture of the 20th century. From 1918 on, as a member of the Workers’ Council for Art, he developed pedagogical concepts that were later used by Walter Gropius when he founded the Bauhaus in […]

The Legacy of Two Women of the 20th Century in Vienna

Brigitte Hamann’s legacy Vienna City Library, 2 June 2017 – 26 January 2018 Text: György Szegő Photos: Rathausbiblitothek Wien On October 4, 2016, historian and biographer Brigitte Hamann died of one of the most popular scientists in Austria, indeed German-speaking countries. She wrote her credo in a text for the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1995: […]

Piranesi Award 2017

International Architectural Exhibition FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 17 January – 5 February 2018 Piran Days of Architecture (PiDA) is an International Architectural Conference with one of the oldest traditions in the world, whose aim is to assess current trends in architecture and present the most progressive and innovative ideas of architectural and spatial production. […]

Home – away

Attila Batár photography exhibition FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 25 January – 12 Februray 2018 I split the selected images into three equal parts. The first is the home, represented by important objects and details from our apartment. The second is about the environment, the Butte aux Cailles district in Paris. The images conjure the […]

Wood in Estonian Architecture

Estonian Institute in Hungary FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 1-25 March 2018 The Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association’s exhibition showcases the main building types, tendencies and most remarkable individual buildings of Estonian wood architecture. The exhibition spans several centuries, and provides an abundance of exiting examples of the various uses of wood in modern […]

Péter Korniss: Continuing Memories

Hungarian National Gallery, 29 September 2017 – 11 February 2017 Péter Korniss is one of the greatest masters of contemporary Hungarian photography, a recipient of the “Artist of the Nation” award, the Kossuth Prize and the Joseph Pulitzer Memorial Prize. His work centres on documenting the disappearing lifestyle of peasants in Hungary and Transylvania. The […]

Frau Architekt, Over 100 years of Women in Architecture

DAM, Frankfurt, 30 September 2017 – 8 March 2018 It remains to be seen whether the future really is feminine. Indeed, although far more than half of all students in architecture faculties are now women, it is certainly not the case that they all really get a foothold in the profession and only very few […]