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Építészettörténeti vázlat Szabó István érdligeti templomáról
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A protestáns templomépítészeti kánon átalakulása a századfordulón
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Több fényt
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A kép jelentősége a kortárs építészetben
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The House of Religions
Hohenems, Austria MÉSZ-MÉK Diploma Award 2018 Concept and text: Anna Breuer-Lábady Consultant: Levente Szabó DLA The starting point of this diploma scheme was the cultural and religious context which defines the location to a great extent. Observable in the Hohenems, the religious stratification has its roots in the past, in an era when the town […]
Ekler Dezső: Tértörténetek
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Fény és panoráma
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Interdiszciplinaritás kiállításba csomagolva
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Szerb székesegyház a Tabánban
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Denise Scott Brown Architekturzentrum Wien, 22 November 2018 – 18 March 2019 Denise Scott Brown is a living legend, an insider tip and an icon. She started a revolt against architectural Modernism with the aim of saving modernity. So it is high time for the world’s first extensive solo exhibition on the work of this […]
Water as Microscope of Nature
Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester Uffizi Galleries, Florence, 30 October 2018 – 20 January 2019 The Codex Leicester is a world-famous manuscript, that contains ground-breaking thoughts and notes by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most genius artists and scientists in the history of mankind. Now this precious and unique collection of writings and drawings […]