Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Concept: Barna Kovács D. – Barna Architects Kft. The site of the National Culture Park is a 35-hectare area in Yamag district, located west of the inner city of Ulaanbaatar. The scheme contains a development on approximately 95.000 m2 with functions, community zones and parking spaces. The architectural concept of the park draws […]
Using Polivalent
Alternative multifunctional design practice Text: Péter Müllner By the early 1960s it had been obvious that there is a huge and widening gap between needs of users – concerning architecture – and the everyday practices of the profession. In order to bridge this gap, architects and theoreticians of architecture then started to work out various […]
Town in the Landscape – Landscape in the Town
The Concept of Landscape in Hungarian Urbanism (1930–1955) Text: Gábor Oláh Since the 1930s, the landscape has evolved into an omni-present concept of reference in social sciences. In the interwar period the presence of the concept in discourses in both sciences and public life in Hungary most probably exerted significant influence on post-war workshops such […]
Mansion Diary
Construction and Reconstruction of Walter Rózsi Mansion Text: Ágnes Anna Sebestyén Walter Rózsi Mansion, which is the new exhibition venue of the Museum of Hungarian Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre (Magyar Építészeti Múzeum és Műemlékvédelmi Dokumentációs Központ, MÉM MDK) is due to open to the public early in 2022. At present the remodernization and […]
On Ouvre Trapped in the Shadow
The life and work of architect Ede Dvořák (1861–1920) Text: Enikő Tóth Architect Dvořák Ede started his career in Győző Czigler’s highly successful studio which received abundant commissions and he worked there for 22 designing under the architect’s supervision. Czigler, who died at the early age of 55, left the office in his care, as […]
„The Universe in a Part – a Part in University”
Iván Máriási’s Creative Diary (1970) Text: Péter Gáborjáni Szabó Dr Artist Iván Máriási had been a lecturer with the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and thus largely influenced the views of several generations of Hungarian architects. The creative diary he kept of the carton drawing for his tapestry titled Cosmos is […]
A History Made Visible
The History of the Reconstruction of the Castle in Sümeg Text: András Koppány The castle of Sümeg has a history of almost 70 years in the modern times. This reconstruction history is also an injury report of interventions meant to protect and preserve historic buildings and monuments. These are modern „periods” that have fragmentary links […]
The Building Material of the Future
Maison Fibre at the 17th Venice Architectural Biennale Project managers: Prof. Achim Menges, Dr. Jan Knippers Text: Eszter Götz Photos: ICD, ITKE, Stuttgart Maison Fibre, exhibited at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, explores an alternative approach to the design and construction of future habitable spaces. In response to the exhibition theme “How will we live […]
Hogyan fogunk együtt élni?
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Arany Oroszlán-díjas pavilonok a Velencei Biennálén
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Gonda Károly, Sanghaj ultramodern magyar építésze
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175 éve született Schikedanz Albert
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