The New Service Building of Petőfi Theatre in Veszprém Architects: Ferenc Potzner, Gábor Martin Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Krisztina Ancza In 2016, the theatre of Veszprém was given the opportunity for a comprehensive renovation project within the framework of the Modern Cities programme. Last renovated in the late 1980s after designs by Péter Szendrő, the […]
Finding Home
Community House, Makó Architect: Balázs Váradi Text: János Pál Photos: Bence Csernyus After a long and thorough preparatory work stage, supported by a series of studies, the city of Makó decided to create its new sub-centre, which will provide long-term assistance and opportunities in a complex way, mainly for the residents of the neglected and […]
Marshal Piłsudski’s Architectural Vision Today
The Polish Army Museum, Warsaw Architecture: WXCA Architectural Design Studio Text: György Szegő Photos: Marcin Czehowicz The Polish Army Museum, now completed in the still Tsarist Citadel in Warsaw, was founded in 1920 by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, the first head of state of the Second Polish Republic, at the beginning of the Polish state revival. […]
Revitalisation of the Pauline Monastery and its Surroundings in Kőkút
MÉSZ-MÉK Diploma Award 2023 Concept and text: Dóra Tihanyi, BME Consultant: Péter Kronavetter DLA The Pauline monastery of Kőkút („Stone Well”) in Salföld is one of the oldest monuments of the order, with a history dating back to the 1260s. The scheme proposes to enhance the significance of the site and to develop its uses. […]
Összeszedni a széjjelhordott köveket
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Építészeti színoktatásról – kicsit másképp
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A mesterséges intelligencia változatai és hasznosítása az építészeti tervezés folyamatában
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Social Impact Hackathon
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Történeti mintázatok a városmorfológia új rétegeiben
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Mintázatok térben és időben
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Space – Unity – Community
Examining Spatial Relations in Longitudinal Catholic Churches between the World Wars Text: Tamás Kiss The struggle between conservative and modernist architectural trends in the first half of the 20th century was mainly manifested in the stylistic appearance, i.e. the continuity of the “neo” (Revivalist) styles at the turn of the century. However, the preferred architectural […]
The Meeting of Heaven and Earth in Modern Church Architecture
Photo Exhibition by Péter Gyukics, FUGA, 14.09- 01.10. Text: István Schneller Photos: Péter Gyukics The primary task of architecture in general — as the Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa, among others, phrased it — is to create an experience of place and space, of „placelikeness” in a homogeneous world without place or meaning, in a world […]