The Master of Light 2015

Tha Master of Light 2015 award went to Palatium Stúdió Kft. for the Metro 4, Budapest, Újbuda-Központ Station. The Junior Maaster of Light award went to Dorottya Kiss for the Lampa Magnifico project. More information:

Pritzker Architecture Prize 2016

Alejandro Aravena of Chile receives the 2016 Pritzker Architecture Prize He practices architecture as an artful endeavor in private commissions and in designs for the public realm and epitomizes the revival of a more socially engaged architect. 
Chicago, IL (January 13, 2016) — Alejandro Aravena of Chile has been selected as the 2016 Pritzker Architecture […]

MUT Diploma Award 2015

The Diploma Award 2015 of the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning (MUT) went to: Regional and structural Planning Honorable mention: Szende András Urban planning Award: Gáspár Róbert Honorable mention: Csík Zsolt, Schild Beáta Dorottya, Szilágyi Eszter Viktória Open space planning Award: Horváth Imola Emese, Reith Anita Honorable mention: Hegyi Nóra Landscape planning Award: Erdei Tímea […]

Gábor Dénes-díj 2015

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Interior Designer of the Year 2014

The Interior Designer of the Year 2014 prize goes to Pál Somogyi for the design of Szent Gallért Hotel in Székesfehérvár. The prize founded by Péter Laki in 1998 is given for excellent interior design achievements in Hungary. The prize-giving ceremony was held on 14 December 2015 in the Vigadó, Budapest.

Regionális Prima Díj 2015

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Prima Primissima Award 2015

Prima Primissima Award 2015 in Hungarian Architecture category went to: László Benczúr architect Prima Award 2015 went to: Tamás Dévényi architect Tamás Tomay architect

Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2015

The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award founded by the Honi Art Foundation goes for journalists who promote the Hungarian architecture scene, and also represent the quality journalism. The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2015 goes to: Götz Eszter Tatai Mária Kovács Olivér

Média Építészeti Díj 2015

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World Day of Architecture 2015

Architecture, Building, Climate Text: Edit Pálinkás In line with the decree accepted by the UIA (Union Internationale des Architectes) in 1998, the World Day of Architecture is held on the first Monday of October every year. This year its events were organised in the spirit of the slogan „Architecture, Construction, Climate”. What is more, the […]

Pál Csonka Medal 2015

Architecture Prize of the Association of Hungarian Architects The Presidency of the Association of Hungarian Architects gave this years Pál Csonka Medal to István Kenese civil engineer. Prize-giving ceremony was held on 8th July, 2015 in the conference room of the Association of Hungarian Architects (1088 Budapest, Ötpacsirta u. 2.).