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Healthy Cities – Happy Cities
World Architecture Day in the Architects’ House 2014 The first Monday of October is traditionally about architecture all over the world. The UIA, as the international association of architects scheduled the world day of the profession for this day. The Association of Hungarian Architects has organised a variety of programmes for this year on the […]
Technocrat Landscape Design
The Challenges of a Metabolic City Architectural Biennale, Rotterdam, May 29th–August 24th, 2014 Text: Levente Polyák The basic concept of the International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (IABR) is that the environmental issues of the whole world are condensed in cities – thus their solutions must also be found there. It means that energetical transitions, climatic […]
A periféria archeológiája
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Pecha Kucha Night Budapest vol. 40
Trafó, Budapest, 28 October 2014 Pecha Kucha (Japanese for chit-chat) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can easily and informally be shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. Interesting, surprising, projects and tasty D.J. sets make up for unforgettable nights. Around a dozen […]
Ybl Bicentenáriumi Zárókonferencia
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Bauhaus konferencia
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Energiatudatos településtervezés workshop
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IV. Árkádia konferencia
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Ybl Szakest
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Magyar Formatervezési Díj 2014
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Nyitva! Kiadó üzletek fesztiválja
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