Architecture for Healing 2013

The European Health Property Network has been bringing together health policy makers, health system planners, health estates professionals, capital investment experts, healthcare architects and academics for the past 13 years. This year we are returning to Budapest, to discuss and debate the best ways to confront and solve the challenges…

The Hope – 7th Sacred Architecture Conference

7th Sacred Architecture, Interior Design Conference
Ars Sacra Festival 2013

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
17 September 2013, 9 a.m.

Open Studios No. 3

Budapest, 22 September 2013
Bálint Ádám | Bálványos Levente | Borsos Lőrinc | Brezina Zoltán | Brückner János | Christa Bartesch | Czene Márta | Csató József | Eszter Kores | Fischer Balázs | Gesztelyi Nagy Zsuzsa | G.Szabó Beáta | Halász Péter Tamás | Halmi-Horváth István | Király Gábor | Kovách Gergő |

Green Walk – Guided Tours in the Builings of the Future

From 16 to 20 September 2013, Green Building Councils in 98 countries representing more than 25,000 organisations will host events, run campaigns and celebrate World Green Building Week under the theme: ‘Greener Buildings, Better Places, Healthier People’. The Hungarian Green Bulding Counsil offers guided tours in several office and residential…

Value pairs – Design with Different Eyes

Crafts and Industry – Lectures on design in Holdudvar, Budapest
3 September 2013 – 7 p.m.
Lóránt Fodor DLA, Attila Godena-Juhász, János Héder and Dániel Merényi
Moderator: Barnabás Batta

Landscape Secrets

Television series about landscape architecture in Hungary

1st Part – Landscape architecture in Hungary
17 August 2013, 9.45
Duna Television

International Ozone Day in Hungary

September 16 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
This designation was made on December 19, 1994, in commemoration of the date, in 1987, on which nations signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

46. Savaria Urban Planning Summer University

Sustainable Urbanism?
Architects’ Camp – Vas Hill (Vaskeresztes, Felsőcsatár)
19-21 July 2013
Savaria Urban Planning Summer University (Szombathely)
21-16 July 2013

Improvisation is/as Architecture

3rd experimental research exhibition and conference of
‘JUST ARCHITECTURE?’ – FUGA Centre for Architecture in Budapest
Exhibition: October 28th to November 19th 2013
Conference: 7th and 8th of November 2013
We are calling for proposals by professionals and students critically…

BMW Creative Lab

The winner of the first BMW Creative Lab is Attila Veress, a Hungarian student from European Institute of Design in Milan. “His project 2.0 is a perfect interpretation of the concept food in movement”, says Domenico Guzzini, president of the company. “His design interprets a very special Italian tradition: The lunchbox, affectionately called ‘Schiscetta’…

18th Chief Architects Conference

Matching – 18th Chief Architects Conference
Nagykőrös, Arany János Cultural Centre
28-30 August 2013
Greetings by Szabolcs Czira, Mayor of Nagykőrös
Frigyes Philipp, President of the Association of Chief Arcitects

Diplom Thesis Presentation

The Department of Architecture of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) has approx. 200 graduates present their diplom theses annually. It is the largest department of architecture in Hungary, but until now professionals can hardly know about the quality of graduates’ work. The open presentation of diplom theses…