János Gerle: Art Nouveau in Hungarian Architecture
6Bt. Kiadó, 2013
Book presentation
FUGA, Budapest, 27 June 2013
Presentation by András Ferkai
Pál Csonka Medal 2013
The Presidency of the Association of Hungarian Architects gave this years Pál Csonka Medal in individual category to Miklós Armuth Ph.D. architect, and in designer pairs category to Tamás János Szabó DLA and János Volkai architects.
Prize-giving ceremony: 8 July 2013
Heritage of Hollókő
„Heritage of Hollókő” book presentation
FUGA, Budapest Center of Architecture, 24 June 2013, 6 p.m.
Presentation by Iván Balassa M., vice president of ICOMOS Hungary, president of Committee of Vernacular Architecture
Editor: Anna Dobosyné-Antal
LA Hippocampus lectures
Opening lecture: Tamás Dömötör Ph.D. – Balatonboglár and the neoavantgarde
27. 06. 2013 Dániel Barcza Ph.D. – Creative and desing thinking
Róbert Kabai Ph.D. – The short history of land art
04. 07. 2013 Tradition and progress – Roundtable discussion
Alternative Design Strategies
Lecture by Tomek Rygalik
Design Terminal, Budapest, 28 June 2013, 10 p.m.
Studio Rygalik Studio Rygalik was established in 2006 by Tomek Rygalik. For the first two years it functioned between London and Lodz, Tomek’s hometown. Since 2009 the Studio is based in Warsaw.
Actualities in Landscape Architecture
14 July 2013
Organizers: Corvinus University of Budapest Landscape Architecture Doctoral School, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Location: Corvinus University of Budapest
Guide Map to Budapest’s Modern Architecture
Guide Map to Budapest’s Modern Architecture
Book launch
FUGA, Budapest, 13 June 2013
Authors: Zoltán Katona, Zsolt Zsuffa
Budapest and the Danube
Urban Land Institute (ULI) – Conference and Workshop
Budapest, 17-18 June 2013
The Urban Land Institute is a non-profit research and education organisation supported by its members. Founded in Chicago in 1936, the institute now has over 30,000 members in 95 countries worldwide…
Value pairs – Design with Different Eyes
Beautiful and Unusal – Lectures on design in Holdudvar, Budapest
4 June 2013 – 7 p.m.
Participants: Zsanett Benedek and Dániel Lakos architects at Tervhivatal, Réka Lőrincz jewelry designer, Zalán Péter Salát graphic designer, Réka Vágó shoe designer, Moderator: Barnabás Batta
III. Sculptor Festival
Hungarian Sculptors-Architects Festival
29 May – 20 June 2013
Exhibitions – studio visits – urban tours – lectures
Organizer: Ybl Association
Info: www.szoborunnep.hu
The City between culture, economy and politics
City Hall, Ceremonial Hall, Subotica – Szabadka
A joint Hungarian and Serbian Seminar, 24 May 2013
Topics: Culture as a Basis of Identity, Sustainable Urban Economy, Experts and their role in urban revitalization, Citizens and their role in town development
Sustainable Architecture Conference
Central European University (CEU) Auditorium
23 May 2013
Organizers: Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of National Development
Ministry of Interior, Central European University