11 Years, 110 Exhibitions

Closing exhibition of the HAP Gallery HAP Gallery, Budapest, 4-21 November 2014 Opening: 4 November 2014, 6 p.m. Opening speech by András Ferkai architect

Ybl Model Exhibition

Hungarian National Museum, 28 October – 30 November 2014 The exhibition is part of the celebrations around the 200th anniversity of Miklós Ybl architect. The models made by the students of the Department of Architecture of the Szent István University show overall 30 buildings of his oeuvre. Opening: 28 October 2014, 3 p.m. Hungarian National […]


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Mihály Balázs Exhibition

Trafik, Dabas 16 October – 30 November 2014 Exhibition of the works made by Mihály Balázs DLA architect who has been awarded the Artist of the Year by the Trafik Kör.

Bor és építészet

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V4 Family Houses 2014

V4 Family Houses 2013 Exhibition Association of Hungarian Architects, Ybl Miklós Hall, 6 October 2014 Several dozen of projects from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary are shown at the V4 Family Houses exhibiton. The exhibition opened within the programmes of World Architecture Day in the headquarters of the Association of Hungarian Architects in October […]

Gaudí. Architecture Ahead of its Time

An exhibition coordinated by the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Az Wien, 2 October – 2 November 2014 The work of Antoni Gaudí is widely known by the general public and acclaimed and esteemed by the international expert world. UNESCO has declared many of his buildings part of the world cultural heritage. However, the […]

Berlin így emlékezik

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Line and Shape

100 Master Drawings from the Leopold Collection Leopold Museum, Vienna, 23rd of May to 20th of October 2014 The collection of the Leopold Museum Private Foundation comprises approximately 5.400 works. 3.400 of these are works on paper, predominantly watercolors and drawings. Already in 2010 the Leopold Museum showed a representative selection of the Leopold Collection’s […]

Lebbeus Woods: On-line

Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, 28.6. – 3.10.2014 The Museum for Architectural Drawing presents Lebbeus Woods. ON-LINE, an exhibition of the finest works of architectural theorist, draftsman, educator and architect, Lebbeus Woods (1940–2012). The show focuses on the intensely rendered architectural and urban environments produced early on in Woods’ career. These ink and pencil drawings […]