Ybl Prize 2013

Ybl Prize is the most prestigious architectural recognition in Hungary, which is awarded to professionals active in the construction and formation of the environment combined with the protection of values. Ybl Prize winners: Bálint Bachmann DLA, Marcel Ferencz DLA, Ágnes Kravár, Csaba Molnár, Béla Sisa

Architectural Photo of the Year 2012

Architectural Photography Competition 2012
Organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects, Chamber of Hungarian Architects, Architectural Photographers Open Society
Prize of the Association of Hungarian Architects: László Francsics
Prize of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects: Márk Péter Vargha

FUGA Radio Architectural Photo Competition 2012

On the occasion of the Month of Photography the FUGA Radio launched a photo contest for every enthusiastic (amateur and professional) photographers who like to take pictures of buildings. The announcers waited for photos of buildings or groups of buildings, which are important for the photography lovers, exciting…

Architectural photo – copy of the world?

According to the Month of Photography 2012 informal professional roundtable discussion was held about architectural photography in the new cultural venue, the “Kultúrmosoda” (Patyolat//PRÓBAüzem) in the Baross Street. The site itself is also exciting, in many ways: the former laudry building, the redevelopment of the surroundings, the box jungle…

Generative Architecture

Generative Archtiecture Conference
FUGA, Budapest 19th March 2013 14.00
Lectures: Bálint Botzheim, Anna Baróthy, Péter Dóczé, Dániel Erdély, Lídia Felföldi, Levente Gyulai, Barna Kovács D., Tamás Lévai, Ákos Maróy and the authors of the Performance-Driven Architecture exhibition…

Almost nothing…

Debut exhibition of the Trafik Contemporary Art Association
FUGA, Budapest
29. 03. – 24. 04. 2013
Opening salute by István Ligetvári, president of the association
Opening speech by Gábor Farkas DLA, Chief architect of Dabas

Performance-Driven Architecture

Scientific research about computer-aided design
FUGA, Budapest
14. 03. – 05. 04. 2013
Curators: Krassimir Krastev, Alexander Kalachev
Opening speech by Krassimir Krastev, architect

Outlook 2012

Young architects’ experiences in international internship programs

FUGA, Budapest
12-31 March 2013
Organized by ÉK Association

Kós Károly Prize 2012

Kós Károly Prize was founded to recognize excellent achievements of individuals and communities protecting local architectural heritage and preserving architectural traditions. Every year it is awarded on or about December 16th, the birthday of a creator using motifs of Transylvanian folk art and historic Hungarian architectural monuments.

Prima Primissima Prize 2012

On December 7th 2012 this year’s Prima Primissima Prizes were handed over in the Palace of Arts (Művészetek Palotája), Budapest. The prize founded by Sándor Demján went to Péter Török landscape designer in the category „Architecture and Architectural Art”, whilst architects Balázs Balogh and Antal Lázár were awarded the Prima Award…

Soviet Modernism 1955-1991

The Architekturzentrum Wien writes architectural (hi)stories: ‘Soviet Modernism 1955 – 1991. Unknown Stories’ explores, for the first time comprehensively, the architecture of the non-Russian Soviet republics completed between the late 1950s and the end of the USSR in 1991. The research and exhibition project shifts the Russian-dominated perspective…

Awakening the Night

The night not only governs the rhythm of life of all living creatures, surrounding their sleep, but it also is a mysterious breeding ground for man’s creativity and imagination. Whether a demonic realm of shades, a cosy haven, or a brightly illuminated reflection of itself: numerous artists and scientists of various disciplines have been dealing with the night…