Visit of the delegates of Association of Hungarian Architects in Shanghai to build the professional cooperation on the field of architecture between Chinese and Hungarian contemporary architecture. The aim of the visit is to introduce Hungarian architecture and architecture offices to the Chinese architects and their professional organizations…
Endless parallels
The vision and creativity of György Kepes (1906-2001) and Frank Malina (19120-1981) are best characterized by the concept of universality expressed through experimentation in art, science, technology and radical innovation. The notions of interdisciplinary philosophy date back to a renaissance synthesis of knowledge drawing a long arc through art history.
Podmaniczky Award 2010
A városvédő civilek 1982 óta minden évben Podmaniczky-díjjal jutalmazzák azokat, akik foglalkozásuktól, munkahelyi kötelezettségüktől függetlenül, vagy azt jelentősen túlteljesítve a legtöbbet tették épített és természeti környezetünk, kulturális örökségünk értékeinek védelmében. Az idén 28. alkalommal került sor a díjátadóra.
The History of Reconstruction. The Construction of History
For years “reconstruction” has been the subject of a heated debate. However, reconstructions can be found since Antiquity, as throughout history buildings have been destroyed and rebuilt if required, for a variety of reasons and with alternating perceptions and definitions of “reconstruction”. The exhibition is presenting and analysing the various motives in favour of reconstructing lost buildings.
1:1 – Architects Build Small Spaces
The V&A commissioned a group of international architects to build a series of structures throughout the Museum which responded to the theme of the ‘retreat’. The starting point for these experimental projects was the idea of a small enclosed space representing an escape from the chaos of urban life to an area for peace, contemplation, shelter or creativity.
Cultural Heritage of Hungary in Gersters Aerial Photos
In May it opened in Pécs, Hungary. Further stops:
Budapest (July);
Fellbach, Germany (September/October),
Berlin (January 2011),
Brussels (March 2011).
Tirana_Plan Build Live
“Architektur im Ringturm” – a series of exhibitions hosted by the Vienna Insurance Group – continues its architectural journey of exploration through Central and Eastern Europe by taking a look at Albania. The exhibition and catalogue focus on planning, building and living in Tirana, the capital city of a country that lies where the Adriatic meets the Mediterranean.
Statement of MÉSZ
A Magyar Építőművészek Szövetségének elnöksége 2010. július 20-i elnökségi ülésén, Budapest, V. kerület, Bécsi utcai beépítéssel kapcsolatosan az alábbi határozatot hozta: A Belvárosi funkciók megújításának folyamata nem képzelhető el a meglévő kulturális, kultúrtörténeti emlékek, a belvárosi városkép megőrzése nélkül, az értékes épületállomány lerombolásával.
Local Heritage Award
Local Heritage Award
Architectural Award 2010
City of Photographers
András Balla:
City of Photographers
A book about the photographers of the Esztergom Photo Club.
Urban Green
For several years now people everywhere have been rediscovering inner-city living. Not that this in any way means they are repressing their longing for nature: Urban solutions that satisfy the need for inner-city greenery are increasingly in demand. This, though, must comply with a complex set of aesthetic, ecological, social and economic criteria.
Horace Walpole and Strawberry Hill
This exhibition looks at Horace Walpole’s extraordinary collection and evokes the magnificent interiors of his house, Strawberry Hill, Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic Revival architecture. An influential historian, collector, social commentator and man of letters, Walpole (1717–97) was the youngest son of Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first Prime Minister.