Common Irregularities

Creative week at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology, Debrecen Text: Gergely Hory, Zoltán Major, Péter Müllner (Prtzn Architecture) Photos: Zsófia Roszkos, Prtzn Architecture Being supervisors of the topic, we were invited to the creative week organised by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology, Debrecen. The theme was associated with the exhibition titled […]

Materialism and Idealism

The Contemporary Hungarian Heritage Preservation Summer University on Monument Protection, Eger, 2019 Text: Gábor Nagy The chief topic of this year’s course of the Heritage Preservation Summer University in Eger was Potentials and methods to restore values hidden in historic monuments. In his plenary lecture opening the programme Gábor Nagy architect, specialist of heritage preservation […]

Peter Halley: Heterotopia

L’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Velence, 7 May – 10 August 2019 Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Hanna SzegÅ‘ During the time of the fine arts biennale Venice turns into a genuine store of art pieces. All over the town exhibitions welcome visitors, and many visitors take advantage of this period to join the flow […]

In Norwegian Landscapes

Hunting High and Low DAM, Frankfurt, 14 September 2019 – 19 January 2020 Photos: DAM A tradition in Norwegian architecture emphasizes tactile and spatial experiences and reflects the relationship between buildings and landscape. Sensitivity to place, experimental tectonics and profound attention to detail characterize the tradition. Norwegian architecture is challenged by new dense urban development […]


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