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Mesternek lenni
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Szecesszió az Alföldön
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A katedra szerzetese
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Egész és a rész
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Makovecz Benjamin: Száztizenegy lábjegyzet Makovecz Imréről
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KollektÃv álmok és burzsuj villák
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Térey János (1970–2019)
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Ybl Prize 2019
The Miklós Ybl prize is an acknowledgment of oeuvres presenting outstanding activities and achievements of architects, authors and educators such as lecturers with at least fifteen years of career associated with individually and independently designed works of architecture. The prize goes to a maximum of five people every year. Those receiving this recognitions are awarded […]
Kongresszusi körkép
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V4 Architectural Association
Meeting of the Visegrád Four Countries Architects’ Associations House of Architects, Budapest, 11 March 2019 Text: Eszter Götz Photo: Edit Pálinkás A new form of cooperation was formed on the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) by the partner organisations of the Visegrád Four countries. On March 11th, MÉSZ organised a prestigious international […]