Iván Kotsis Medal: Gábor U. Nagy

The Iván Kotsis medal was founded in 1989 by the Association of Hungarian Architects on the initiative of the namesake’s disciples and reverents. This recognition is awarded annually based ont he recommendations of a team of professional curators for professionals excelling as educators and designer architects as their „fair play award”. In 2018 the award […]

In Memoriam Béla Kerékgyártó (1949-2018)

Béla Kerékgyártó, philosopher passed away on December 5th, 2018. He was a dedicated lecturer of architecture with BME (Budapest University of Technology) and the PhD Course of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture who shaped the approaches of several generations. He had been awarded the Iván Kotsis prize of the Association of Hungarian Architects as […]

Budapest South Gate Masterplan

Result of the International Competition KKBK Nonprofit Zrt. (Centre of Key Government Investments), as contracting authority, announced a restricted international design competition for preparing a development proposal for the investments and complex urban development of South-Pest and North-Csepel, Budapest. The goal of the design competition was to implement a viable urban development in line with […]

Piranesi Award 2018

The 36th PDA conference was concluded by solemn ceremony of 2018 Piranesi Award. Honorable speech was by state secretary Aleš Prijon from Ministry of Enviroment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia who conferred the awards together with Barbara Radovan, general director of Spatial planning, Construction and Housing Directorate at Ministry of Enviroment and […]

Koloman Moser

Universal Artist between Gustav Klimt and Josef Hoffmann MAK, Vienna, 19 December 2018 – 22 April 2019 Photos: MAK Koloman Moser’s oeuvre continues to exert a lasting fascination. As a universal artist Moser masters the disciplines of painting, graphic art, arts and crafts, and interior design as well as fashion and scenography. To an impressive […]

Hans Poelzig. Projects for Berlin

Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, 18 October 2018 – 3 February 2019 Alongside Walter Gropius, Bruno Taut, Mies van der Rohe and Peter Behrens, Hans Poelzig (1869–1936) was undoubtedly one of the most important German architects of the first half of the 20th century. His life and work are inextricably connected to Berlin where he […]