2nd National Salon of Architecture Kunsthalle, Budapest, 26 April – 25 August 2019 In the last five years the Műcsarnok has served as the venue for the National Salons, which have attracted significant interest from professional circles and the lay audience alike. Every year the fresh achievements of another genre are presented. In 2019 architecture […]
Apocalypse Later
11th Budapest Architectural Films Days Toldi mozi, 7-10 March 2019 Text: Eszter Götz Organised by the Contemporary Architecture Centre, the Budapest Architectural Films Days have now convinced the ever growing audience for the 11th time that anyone has at least as much to do with architecture as professionals specialised in it. Construction, demolition, break-up and […]
Where Should the Chinese Stand?
International Architects’ Conference, Budapest, March 8th, 2019 „Oriental people in the West, western people in the East”, this is the slogan of this year’s International Architects’ Conference, which defines already in its title the fact that despite the globalization of architectural practices, there still exist these two categories on the level of traditional concepts and […]
Anton Lorenz: From Avantgarde to Industry
Vitra Campus, Schaudepot, 22 February – 19 May 2019 Text: Pál Lővei Developed to be almost integrated with Basel in Switzerland, Weil am Rhein in Germany has been made famous by Vitra Design Museum which joins the events of the international Bauhaus 100 by its exhibition presenting the oeuvre of Anton Lorenz designer and entrepreneur […]
Dévényi Sándor építőművész kiállítása
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Mies van der Rohe díj 2019
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Isozaki, a töretlen újító
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Bauhaus100. Abstract Revue
Selected Works from the Estate of Andor Weininger Hungarian National Gallery, 29 March – 28 July 2019 Photos: Hungarian National Gallery To mark the centenary of the founding of the Bauhaus and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Andor Weininger, an exhibition organised from the artist’s legacy will open in the Hungarian National Gallery. […]
Critical Care – Architecture for a Broken Planet
ArchitekturZentrum Wien, 25 April – 9 September 2019 Photos: AZWien A planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet uninhabitable. The situation is critical and, dominated by the interests of capital, architecture and urbanism are caught up in the crisis. The exhibition ‘Critical Care’ […]
Bauhaus100. Program a mának
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Géczy Nóra: Design – Tér- és formakultúra
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