Nicolas Schöffer retrospective

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 29 October 2015 – 31 January 2016 The exhibition – realized through the cooperation of the artist’s widow – will present the futuristic-retro work of Nicolas Schöffer, the Hungarian-born French artist from October to January in the Műcsarnok. The objects on display will return abroad after the exhibition. The planning and preparations of […]

Max Fabiani. Architect of the Monarchy

Architekturzentrum Wien, 22 October – 30 November 2015 On 1 May 1865 Emperor Franz Joseph officially opened the Ringstraße in Vienna. In 2015 Vienna is celebrating this boulevard’s 150th birthday. 1865 is also the year in which Max Fabiani was born and in this anniversary year the Az W is delighted to present an exhibition […]

The History of Europe – Told by its Theatres

Theatermuseum, Vienna 22 October 2015 – 28 March 2016 For the first time six theatre museums from six different European countries have jointly created a touring exhibition that will be on show from 2015 to 2017 in Warsaw, Copenhagen, Vienna, Munich, Ljubljana, and London. With more than 250 exhibits, the exhibition illustrates how the history […]

Piran Days of Architecture 2015

33. International Architectural Conference Tartini theatre, Piran, Slovenia, 21 November 2015 Invention and Tradition in Architecture When does tradition end and where does invention begin? And when does invention end and where does tradition appear? Two faces of the present. So as the future is ultimately composed of all its pasts – distant and close […]

Imre Makovecz – Designs, Buildings, Wrintings 2002-2011

Book presentation Association of Hungarian Architects, 18 November 2015, 5 p.m. On the book presentation László György Sáros DLA president of the Association of Hungarian Architects and Miklós Sulyok architect talks with Eszter Götz editor and Benjamin Makovecz graphic designer. Published for the 80th anniversary of Imre Makovecz’s birth a reprint of the first edition […]

Péter Reimholz Exhibition

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 19 November – 13 December 2015 Opening: 19 November 2015, 5 p.m. Opening speech by: Péter György

István Szabó (1914–1988) Exhibition

HAP Gallery FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 17 November – 6 December 2015 Opening: 17 November 2015 6 p.m. Opening speech by Endre Prakfalvi art historian During the opening ceremony the Péter Molnár Prize will be announced for the 12th time.

f_f_f 2015

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