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f_f_f 2015
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World Day of Architecture 2015
Architecture, Building, Climate Text: Edit Pálinkás In line with the decree accepted by the UIA (Union Internationale des Architectes) in 1998, the World Day of Architecture is held on the first Monday of October every year. This year its events were organised in the spirit of the slogan „Architecture, Construction, Climate”. What is more, the […]
Home-Making Design
Design Week 2015, Budapest–Pécs–Sopron Text: Eszter Götz This year’s Design Week, which is the 12th in a row, focusses on homeyness and coziness, as well as on designing liveable spaces for every-day use, as the reaction to our accelerated lifestyle was born in the form of a brand new concept named „slow life”. This in […]
A szabadság építészete
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Two Experimental Pavilion
Osaka, 1970 Maurizio Sacripanti, EXPO Osaka ’70 MAXXI, Roma, 29 May 2015 – 1 November 2015 “A space that moves may mean a country that moves” Maurizio Sacripanti In movement, pulsating, enclosed by an envelope that mutates in an unpredictable, living way: Maurizio Sacripanti’s entry for the Competition for the Italian Pavilion at the Osaka […]
Európa tervezője: Friedrich August Stüler
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Belgiumtól Magyarországig
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Atlas of European Architecture
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East Side Architecture
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Kortárs finn építészet
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Tér és idő – V. Árkádia konferencia
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