Bachman elment

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Shaping Field

Ágnes Németh Ágnes Exhibition MűvészetMalom, Szentendre, 18 July – 6 September 2015 Opening: 18 July 2015, 6 p.m. Opening speech by dr. Erzsébet Tatai art historian

‘youth in black & white’ 2015

Call for proposals National contest and exhibition for young architects organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) Application deadline: 30 September 2015 More information:

Media’s Architectural Prize – Registration

Registration and deadlines The Media’s Architectural Prize collects completed buildings, plans and designs they are already published on online magazine between September 23, 2014 – August 10, 2015. The nominated works have to be registered by the editors of You can register in two categories: building and design. Deadlines: – 3 August 2015: […]

Architectural Support 2015

Call for proposals Budapest City General Assembly wishes to support the reconstruction and renovation works of the architectural values in the capital city. The aim of this support is to preserve and renovate the historical buildings and their surroundings, and facilitate the communities to act responsibly in this matter. More information: Mayor’s Office – Department […]

Historical Buildings Tender 2015

Call for propsals Budapest City General Assembly wishes to support the reconstruction and renovation works of the architectural values in the capital city. The aim of the tender is to preserve the historical sites and buildings determining the Budapest skyline via promoting renovation and restoration. More information: Mayor’s Office – Department of Urban Development +36 […]

Pál Csonka Medal 2015

Architecture Prize of the Association of Hungarian Architects The Presidency of the Association of Hungarian Architects gave this years Pál Csonka Medal to István Kenese civil engineer. Prize-giving ceremony was held on 8th July, 2015 in the conference room of the Association of Hungarian Architects (1088 Budapest, Ötpacsirta u. 2.).

Club Tihany, Balaton

Brainstorming competition for university and college students Organized by the Real Estate Developers Roundtable Association (IFK), the “Health Complex of the Future” brainstorming comptition is about to reveal concepts, ideas and visions of the rehabilitation of the emblematic institution of the Psychiatry and Neurology Health Centre (OPNI) in Budapest. Entry deadline: 31 October 2015 Information: […]

Vándoriskola 2015

The “Vándoriskola” of the Kos Karoly Association announced admission for young architects. “Vándoriskola” 2015 admission design: drawings for the Budakalász archeological site and the attached community center Deadline: 2 September 2015 More information, contact: Lőrinc Csernyus Triskell Kft. 1034 Budapest, Kecske utca 25. tel/fax: +36 1 388-1707 e-mail: