Architectural Photography Competition organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects, Chamber of Hungarian Architects, Architectural Photographers Open Society The topic of the competition according to the UIA 2015 motto for Day of architecture: ARCHITECTURE AGAINST POVERTY Deadline: 20 September 2015 Registration: More information:
A’Design Award & Competition 2015
A’ Design Award and Competition aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of best designs, design concepts and design oriented products worldwide in all creative disciplines and industries. The primary aim of the award is to create publicity, PR push and advertisement opportunities for design award winners while supporting the global design culture, creating incentives for […]
Night of Magazines 2015
Hungarian Architecture in the Night of Museums Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, 20 June 2015 We gladly invite you all for our discussion held on Architecture and photography at 19.30 in the Ceremonial Hall of the Museum of Applied Arts. What is the relationship between architecture and photography? Is it possible to understand a building […]
Borsos József
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Lechner, az alkotó géniusz
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Replan – Innovatív megoldások a városi lakásproblémákra
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„You too…?”
Photo, video and design contest organized by the Night of Museums 20 June 2015 „Would You come too?” – Video and advertising spots competition We are waiting for video and advertising spots (between 30 and 90 sec.) made in this years programs, events they can inspire more and more visitors to participate in next year’s […]
Nagyapám Háza 2015
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CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year 2015
The CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year competition gives unique insight into the urban built environment on a global scale. Urban has many meanings, depending on your point of view. CBRE challenges you to capture and share what urban means to you, whether it’s morning, noon or night. The competition tells the story of the […]
V. Szoborünnep
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[adaptable city 12] The city as an ecological system
Lecture by Paul de Graaf about the agricultural strategies of Dutch cities Gólya, Leonardo Garden, Budapest, 5-6 June 2015 Paul de Graaf is an architect and system thinker interested in the relationship between architecture, landscape and ecology. He investigates possibilities for designing the human habitat as a sustainable socio-ecological system; reintroducing natural processes and ecological […]
Mi dolgunk a budapesti világörökséggel?
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