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Figurative sense
Budapest Design Week 2014 Text: Eszter Götz, Edit Pálinkás This October Budapest Design Week organised for the 11th time brought the best of Hungarian and international design to the Hungarian capital, offering a wide range of programs. Our everyday lives are more and more pervaded by technology and the internet, by the use of smart […]
Preparing for Reality
POLC: The Exhibition of BME Faculty of Architecture Doctoral School FUGA, Budapest, 2-26 October 2014 Text: Krisztina Somogyi At the exhibition in FUGA, BME’s Faculty of Architecture Doctoral School naturally allowed us to get closer by giving us insights into the everyday reality of its trainings. It did not focus on phrasing new theses, creating […]
The City as a Vision
Homage to Michel Ragon FRAC Centre, Orléans, 19 September 2014 – 22 February 2015 Architects: Dominique Jakob, Brendan MacFarlane Text: György Szegő Photos: Diane Arques, Nicolas Borel, György Szegő A philosophical concept 2,000 years ago, the idea of a planned city has been more like a literary utopia in the past 500 years. Since more […]
Ötvözés és kísérletezés
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Everyman Theatre
Everyman Theatre, Liverpool Winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize 2014 Architect: Haworth Tompkins Photo: Philip Vile The new Everyman feels like a found space. It draws on the themes and ideas of Haworth Tomkins’ previous theatre work at Royal Court and Young Vic. Here all is a new-build, yet it has the ambience of an […]
Reality and Virtual Space
320° Light, Gasometer Oberhausen, 11 April – 30 December 2014 Design: URBANSCREEN Photos: Thomas Machoczek, Wolfganz Voltz, Thomas Wolf The artistic climax of the exhibition is the “320° Light” installation by the group of artists URBANSCREEN from Bremen. It takes the cathedral-like beauty of the Gasometer as the starting point for a fascinating game with […]
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Michal Milan Harminc (1869-1964)
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Frank Gehry
Centre Pompidou, 8 October 2014 – 26 January 2015 The name of Frank Gehry in itself embodies the image of contemporary architecture. Globally recognised for projects that have now made him an icon, his work has revolutionised the aesthetics of architecture, and its social and cultural role within the city. Gehry began to work on […]
Makovecz Imre: Rajzok
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Makovecz-kiállítás Belgrádban
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