Technika a kulisszák mögött

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Announcement of Eight Countries of the Carpathian Basin

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 6-8 September 2014 Text: András Borsos Photos: János Szentiváni In co-operation with the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Kunsthalle, the Budapest-based art gallery, the Association of Hungarian Architects organizes a series of international events between September 6th and 8th. Official participants of this programme were: on behalf of MÉSZ László György Sáros DLA […]

A függöny felemelkedik

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Fundamentals – The Foundations of what?

14th International Architecture Biennale, Venice Text: György Szegő Photos: Velencei Biennále, Andrea Fábián, György Szegő Curator Rem Koolhaas associated architecture with the century of modernity lasting from 1914 to 2014 overburdened with devastating invasions and terrible sufferings. According to him, the „losers” of this era – that is civilisation as such – managed to survive […]

Fleeing into Community

Architecture/education 2014, the Conference of MMA and MÉSZ, 2014 June 11 Text and photos: Dominika Vámos The Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Association of Hungarian Architects organized a conference early this summer titled „Architecture/education 2014” which has proven to be surprisingly dynamic, spectacular and cheerful. This is most probably the result of an efficient […]

Vizek, fények, színek

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The Metropolis Experiment

Vienna and the 1873 World Exhibition Photos: Wien Museum After “The struggle for the city”, a major exhibition on politics, art and everyday life around 1930, Wien Museum presents another panoramic view of an era. This time, the spotlight is trained on the years around 1870, a crucial transformative phase in Vienna’s development towards becoming […]

Konstantin Grcic

Panorama, Vitra Design Museum, 22. 03. – 14. 09. 2014 Photos: Vitra, AndreaF ábián Konstantin Grcic is one of the most influential designers of our time. Serious and functional, unwieldy and occasionally disconcerting, his works combine an industrial aesthetic with experimental, artistic elements. Many of Grcic’s creations, such as »Chair_One« (2004) or the »Mayday« lamp […]

Contemporary Architecture in Rome

Tra/Between Art and Architecture, Rome, MAXXI, 17 April 2014 – 21 September 2014 Two exhibitions in one: Roma Interrotta and Piero Sartogo and the Artists, united by a common title that sums up the sprit both shows: TRA/BETWEEN ART AND ARCHITECTURE. The exhibition opens at the MAXXI on 17 April (through 21 September 2014), in […]

Solar Decathlon 2014

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