The audience of these legendary museums is welcome now to imposing exhibitions presenting two renaissance periods of Hungarian arts, evoking the culture and humanist spirit of King Matthias Corvinus and the revival of music and painting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The top achievements of our culture illustrated here by works…
Bercsényi 28-30
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the periodical Bercsényi 28-30, former editors, authors, boarders and readers organised an exhibition in FUGA Budapest Architectural Centre to evoke the bygone scene and periodical of tolerated/prohibited architecture, fine arts, music, performance. A symposium was also held…
József Borsos and the Early Modern Architecture
József Borsos is a major architect of the 20th century in Hungary. His name is connected with such Debrecen buildings as the University Church, the Mortuary Building, the Stadion and the Swimming Pool as well. The exhibition explores the social background of these developments and the significant role of István Vásáry mayor…
The City as Time Machine
The 7th edition of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (AFFR), the major festival in the field of film and architecture all over the world, will be held from 10 to 13 October. More than 100 films on current trends in urban design and architecture will be screened in the LantarenVenster cinema in Rotterdam, Holland. Disused buildings.
Learning from Vernacular
Mud huts, timber dwellings, stone houses – architectural structures around the world have evolved to be perfectly adapted to the surrounding environment, climate and available building materials. With the growing awareness of sustainable construction and regional traditions, these building types have been rediscovered as vital sources…
Csaba Csontos 1940-2013
Csaba Csontos began his career in the studio of his master, Lajos Zalaváry, along with his friend Miklós Dobozi. As a young architect his name is linked to the highest quality building of the early postmodern architecture in Hungary, the MTA Observatory in Piszkéstető. For many decades he took part in the reconstruction of the Festetics Castle…
Prima Primissima Award 2013
Prima Primissima Award 2013 in Hungarian Architecture category goes to:
Primissima: Dr. Zoltán Bachman
Prima: János Golda
Prima: Tamás Karácsony DLA
Ferenc Reitter Award 2013
Reitter Ferenc Award 2013 goes to the architects of the Eiffel Palace, Budapest: András Gelesz, Kornél Baliga, Gergely Kelecsényi
The 4-storey building under the address Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 78., having façade to three streets, was built in 1893, based on the architectural plans of Flóris Korb and Kálmán Giergl…
Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2013
The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award founded by the Honi Art Foundation goes for journalists who promote the Hungarian architecture scene, and also represent the quality journalism. The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2013 goes to: Erika Katalina Pásztor editor in chief –, Anna Zöldi journalist, Péter Rózsa editor – FUGA Radio
High Resolution
Moving from the classic architectural photography, the topic of this year’s competition is the urban fabric and it’s disruption. Therefore, they are waiting for photographs wandering in the genre of the street photography showing public spaces in transitional phase, decomposed streets, traffic anomalies. 1st Prize: Exhibition at the FUGA in 2014…
A MÉSZ sajtónyilatkozata
A Magyar Építőművészet és az egész magyar kultúra számára óriási jelentőségű esemény volt az eredetileg Korb Flóris és Giergl Kálmán tervezte, most megújult Zeneakadémia közelmúltban történt átadása, ünnepélyes megnyitása. a munka hatalmas szellemi és anyagi ráfordítást igényelt. éppen ezért méltánytalannak és elfogadhatatlannak…
Hudec Week – Hungarian Architecture Forum – Shanghai
For the invitation of the Association of Architects in Shanghai, a ten-member delegation visits the program of the Hudec week in Shanghai in December 2013. Lecture topics of the professional program: Hudec and his Contemporaries, Hungarian Vernacular Architecture, Art Nouveau in Hungary, Organic Architecture, Contemporary Architecture…