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Cseh ÉpÃtészeti NagydÃj 2016
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Gerda Széplaky: Diversive architecture
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A tervezés útvesztője
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DesignEuropa Awards 2016
The DesignEuropa Awards celebrate excellence in design and design management among Registered Community Design (RCD) holders, whether they are individual right holders, small businesses or large enterprises. The IDO bench is one of the finalists in the Small and Emerging Companies Award designed by Anna SzÅ‘nyi, Hungarian designer. Designed as a public seating installation, the […]
Mihály Kubinszky (1927-2016)
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World Architecture Day – Design a Better World!
October 3rd, 2016 According to UIA, the International Union of Architects significance and responsibilities of architectural design continuously grow as the challenges are more and more intense worldwide, which shows an ever extending role of architects in improving the standards of living. UIA heralds that the achievements of architecture are powerful and have the capacity […]
MÉK-MÉSZ Diploma Award 2016
Results of the Diplom Award competition of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects and the Association of Hungarian Architects Urban planning category: Máté Szűcs (SZIE) Budapest, Public scape rehabilitation along the Danube Landscape architecture category: Dóra Marianna Városy (SZIE) Connections between the NÉPsziget and the Danube, promenade along the Danube Interior design category: Sarolta Szonja Molnár […]
BÉK Award for Excellence 2016
The BÉK Award for Excellence 2016 went to: Market building, Budafok – architect: András Kertész DLA 100-unit apartment house – architect: Csaba Nagy, Károly Pólus Reconstruction of Kossuth Lajos square, Parlament Musuem, Visitor’s Centre – architect: Zoltán Tima Idesüss Kindergarten – architect: Melinda Borsos, Dimitrijevic Tijana Corvin Corner Office Center – architect: László Szász Certificate […]
Architecture and Ars Poetica
Exhibition by Ferenc Török in Pesti Vigadó Text: György SzegÅ‘ The exhibition hall strictly follows the experience of sacredness one may have in experience Santo Stefano Rotondo church in Rome: that is the tension of centrality and guided space. The heart of the rectangular horizontal plan of the exhibition space in Vigadó has been turned […]
A Magic Box
Fairy Tale Kindergarten, Budapest, Angyalföld Architect: Csaba Nagy Text: Miklós Okrutay Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky When making calculations for the extensions required by the kindergarten in Angyalföld (a district of Budapest) a decision was made to have a new building built, most probably after a longish dispute. As a result, however, the principle of configuration which […]
Finding an Equilibrium
University Clinic Centre, Oncotherapy Institute, Pécs Architect: Tamás Varga Text: Zoltán Schrammel Photos: Antal Szentendrei The building housing the oncotherapy institute occupies its space in a characteristic way: one cannot miss it after taking the winding road up the hill in an environment so versatile architecture-wise. It was a bravado to make advantage of the […]