RIBA Prize 2021

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Jánossy most!

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Antonio Lasciac

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Egyben a három

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Mindenki építészete

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World Architecture Day 2021

Architects’ House, 10. 04. In 1998 UIA, the international association of architects declared the first Monday of October to be the celebration of world architecture to draw attention to this definitive way of shaping our environment. This year the topic of this day was defined in the slogan: „Clean environment for a healthy world”. The […]

The Annual General Assembly of MÉSZ

Architects’ House, September 13th The general assembly of the Association of Hungarian Architects was held in the centre of the Association on September 13th, 2021. Traditionally, this is the event where reports about the yearly activities, achievements and financials of the organization are delivered, and the membership approves of the plans for the next year. […]

On the Heritage of Imre Makovecz on the 20th Anniversary of his Death

Text: György Szegő It is ten years now that Imre Makovecz, our „national architect” died on September 27th, 2011. Here is a commemoration with a personal touch to focus on the foundations of his way of thinking, the harmony of architecture and nature, as well as the responsibility of architects.