• ремонты от компании StroySila
  • укладка тротуарной плитки
  • 2015:Landscape Odyssey

    Book presentation
    FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 5 February 2016, 5 pm


    Following the success of the Landscape Odyssey 2010 posters exhibition series in Hungary, we intend to collect the best landscape projects between 2010-2015 and hereby we’re inviting you to join our initiative.
    Landscape Odyssey 2010 included high quality landscape architectural projects from Hungary, while introduced them country-wide in a frame of an exhibition series and disseminated this collection as a catalogue over Central Europe. The exhibition visited Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Békéscsaba, Gyor, Fehérvárcsurgó, Subotica (RS) and Târgu Mures (RO) and closed with total 5000 visitors.
    In this year’s exhibition our aim is to introduce two new approaches: refresh the theme and invite contributors from the V4 countries; Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakien. The 2015:LANDSCAPEODYSSEY exhibition was taking place in Budapest, Hungary from 7th May to 29th May, 2015.
    The catalogue will be presented in FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 5 February 2016, 5 pm.

    The hostess of the event: Anna Eplényi

    17:00 Bélaműhely
    17:10 Szántó Catherine: Travels of a Landscape-Odysseus
    17:40 Bélaműhely
    17:55 Greetings