Architekturbild 2013
European Prize of Architectural Photography
DAM, Frankfurt, 04. 05 – 16. 06. 2013

Die Entwicklung neuer Stadtquartiere im Herzen der City © Foto: Frank Bayh & Steff Rosenberger-Ochs
Architekturbild, the European Architectural Photography Prize, has been awarded on a two-yearly basis since 1995. Since 2003, the prize has been awarded by architekturbild e.v., a non-profit organization, and since 2008 in cooperation with the DAM. The photographs submitted by the prize-winners and the 25 runners-up will be presented in an exhibition in the DAM.
Theme of the 2013 competition is »Focus of Attention«. Whether or not to focus on a particular detail in a picture, and if so which one, is among the elementary principles of photographic composition. This year‘s theme »Focus of Attention« thus has a universal significance for photographers. We recommend taking common parlance as a guide – focusing on things, states or situations that draw public attention.
First prize winners 2013 are Frank Bayh & Steff Rosenberger-Ochs for their project “Die Entwicklung neuer Stadtquartiere im Herzen der City” – like a slogan for Stuttgart 21. Prize winners are Stanislaw Chomicki for his project “Towers”, and Nadia Pugliese for her series “Kidron Valley”.
Highly recommended are the projects by Enrico Duddeck (“Bundeshauptstadt der Energie”), Olaf Rößler (“black as pitch”) and Jörg Winde (portraits of the offices of German mayors).
Recommended are Christoph Karl Banski, Theodor Barth, Akos Czigany, Akos Czigany, Florian Huth, Tsang Ka Wai (EasonPage), Thorsten Klapsch, Bertram Kober, Sebastian Lang, Deutschland, Joel Micah Miller, Joel Micah Miller, J. Ramón Moreno, Daniel Müller Jansen, Monika Nguyen, Armano Perna, Christof Plümacher, Nicolai Rapp, Stephan Sasek, Simon Schnepp & Morgane Renou (schnepp-renou), Rainer Sioda, Anna Thiele, Christoph von Haussen and Marc Wollmann.