Borsod 2050 – Go for it industrial landscape!
FUGA, Budapest Center of Architecture, 9-28 April 2013
Opening: 9th April 2013 6 p.m.
Opening speech by Zsolt Vasáros DLA
The exhibition based on the research project ‘Architecture and Community’ of the Faculty of Architecture Doctoral School of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Text: Gabriella Antal, Veronika Borzsák, Tibor Tánczos, Piroska Varga
Consultant: Zsolt Vasáros DLA
The exhibition highlights the industrial, natural and cultural values of the region Borsod along with inspiring examples for the potentials of our industrial heritage. Our goal is to keep emphasizing the preservation of values ​​and through visions and examples motivate, inspire, and build partnerships with other professions, civil society organizations, because we see our future in the collaboration.