Hungarian Real Estate Development Award 2014
Organized by the FIABCI Hungarian Section for the sixteenth time this year, the Hungarian Real Estate Development Award 2014 went to the following real estate developers:
1st Prize in the Culture category and Shared 1st Prize in the Heritage category:
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy
for the Music Academy, Liszt Ferenc Square, Budapest
2nd Prize in the Hotel category and Shared 1st Prize in the Heritage category
New York Palace Kft.
for the New York Palace, Budapest
3rd Prize in the Office category and the Special Prize of
Horizon Development Kft.
for the Eiffel Palace, Budapest
1st Prize in the Public Space category and the Special Prize of MUT
Local Government of Tihany, Pagony Táj- és KertépÃtész Kft.; Laki Épületszobrász Zrt.
for the LEGENDA project, Tihany
Special Prize of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects and the Hungarian Real Estate Association
Market ÉpÃtÅ‘ Zrt.
for the Budapest Music Center, Budapest
The Special Prize of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry
il Bacio Kft.
for the Il Bacio di Stile, Budapest
The Special Prize of the FIABCI Hungarian Section
Local Government of NyÃregyháza
for the NyÃregyháza – Downtown Pedestrian Spaces project
The Special Prize of the Hungarian Spa Association
Gyulai Várfürdő Kft.
for the AquaPalota Family Waterpark, Gyula
Special Prize of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants
Art Hotel Plusz Kft.
for the Art Hotel, Szeged
Special Prize of the Association of Building Contractors and the Budapest Chamber of Architects
Swietelsky Magyarország Kft.
for the Bálint Márton Elementary School, Secondary School and Sport Centre
Special Prize of the Lakásvásár Media Group
Siklósi Thermal Kft.
for the Siklósi Thermal Spa and Hotel Castello ****
Special Prize, People Choice Award
New York Palace Kft.
for the New York Palace, Budapest