Zero CO2 Sustainable Architecture Conference 2011

A Masdar Institute irodaépülete, Masdar City, Abu-Dhabi
Zero CO2 Sustainable Architecture conference held on 4th March was organized by UIA (the International Union of Architects) in Budapest. Examples came true were presented.Projects presented among others:
Unilever House, Hamburg
Power Tower, Linz
Green Home Offices, Budapest (LEED Platinum Pre-certified)
It seems to be required to be inspired by these buildings in after years in european architecture because European Union want to reduce CO2 emissions by 85-90 % from the 1997 level (Kyoto Accord was signed in 1997). UIA has his own strategy: Sustainable by Design.
“We have to go back, look at our heritage and see how our forefathers solved their environmental
problems, and they did very successfully in all climates. We need to look at accessibility for
all; how older building stock can be reused and/or adapted for new uses; …”
(Louise Cox AM, UIA President, on 14th February 2010)