In the spring of 2012 Xella published an international tender of several rounds for Czech, Hungarian, Austrian, Slovak and Slovenian architects inviting them to design detached family houses for Blaue Lagune, a condominium near Vienna presenting ready-houses with „almost zero energy consumption” by using Ytong–Silka–Multipor products.
The Freedom of Shaping
Adorján Portik architect-interior designer and his team developed and patented Free Form Buildings, a new construction method in 2009 to facilitate energy-efficiency and the preservation of the intact environment through the whole life-cycle of the building. As a result of the new technology the buildings adjusted to the modern technologies…
The Success of Odoo House in Madrid
Submitted by the students of BME (Budapest Technical University) for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 in Madrid, the designs of the Odoo House made great success now: considering the joint assessed results of the 10 events it was rated the 6th best, and came second in two categories. Almost 60 students worked in the project representing almost each…