MÉSZ in the 21st century
Discussion about the future of MÉSZ, ÉpÃtészpince, January 2017
Text: Anna Zöldi, Bálint Botzheim
The new management of MÉSZ prioritizes its tasks so as to focus on being an authentic organisation of Hungarian architects which reacts sensitively to the changes of the profession and is able to revive itself from time to time. Ambitioned to achieve this goal, the new management is looking for potentials and chances to activate its membership both informally and in an organised form by asking for their opinions to find the steps it has to take in order to renew itself. At the end of 2016, the management sent out newsletters to the members in which they touched upon issues concerning the activities of the organisation, whilst at the beginning of January a discussion was organised in ÉpÃtészpince (Architects’ Cellar) as the first episode of a series of discussions. People invited to this series of events are professionals devoted to architecture, educators, communicators, organisers, managing architects and pursuers of related and associated professions as well.