Space with a Neutral or Multiple Character?
The Birth of a New Sacred Typology
Text: Zoltán Major
The developments and processes of globalisation and multiculturality appear in contemporary societies both informally and formally, they are translated into our urban spaces. When immigrating groups of people recycle, reutilize and transform existing buildings that tend to be abandoned, they do not do it with the purpose to gen in touch with the local culture, and the architectural result is not a deliberate and calculated consequence of co-existence, but more often than not, there are exciting and multi-layered spatial formulas being born through this process. Meanwhile, we can also observe initiations that react tot he cultural differences, and thus make us aware of them, and create new spaces and functions while reacting to them. In such instances, a new spatial world is born which expresses and interprets co-existence. One of the phenomena of this kind is the appearance of inter-religion sacred spaces that ambition to meet the needs of various practices of cultivating religions. The study below analyses the evolution of this new function, which is still going on today.