Far Away from the Designers’ Office
Architects on Holiday
Text: Fanni Izabella Magyaróvári
Photos: MÉM MDK Hungarian Museum of Architecture
Journeys are important milestones of almost every architect’s oeuvre as they may draw life-long experience from what they see abroad, including the landscape and buildings. A tour of Italy had been a compulsory experience of studies for artists and architects for decades, even for centuries, In the late-19th century, long after the foundation of the Joseph University of Technology it was a long-established tradition of architects to study abroad for a few years, which typically meant Berlin, Vienna, Munnich and Paris. During their stay there, they made a tour of the surrounding regions as a rule in their vacation, or started their longer study tours after graduation. This is why it is important to survey where exactly an architect had travelled to know what they had seen when we start analysing their oeuvre.