„Idea is the Foundation of a Community”
Collective House, Miskolc – 1979–1989
To Settle Down, Work and Live…
History allowed the Workshop and Collective House to exist for only a decade: being one of the last extensive projects in Europe, the experiment in Miskolc took place from 1979 to 1989 in the temporal gap between the failure of the western and eastern ideal of the welfare state and the advent of the new global period, in a kind of vacuum, in its unique and unrepeatable and nonrecurring nature. Troubled with a chronic lack of architects, the management of the city concentrated on settling down the community straining every nerve. This is how the reality of Collective House was born. Te actual goal is to occupy a place, and possess a certain territory as a community. The challenge is even more challenging, if it happens to be right in the middle of a rude industrial town… If there is a location, presence slowly unfolds totality.
János Golda