Asmara – The „Secret” Modernist City of Africa

By 1991, that is just over two decades now, when Eritrea was liberated, Tel Aviv had grown to be the largest united Modernist city of the world. And quite soon Asmara, the capital of the colony preserved in its intact form was rediscovered by Italian fascist Modernists. Nowadays attempts are made to save the realized utopia with a series of rehabilitation projects…

Agglomeration: How to Carry on?

How can a conurbation have other functions than just being a commuter town to serve a city and create an urban image of its own? How can it benefit from its positional potentials so that its positive impact would remain powerful and felt even in several generations’ time? As an influential part of the conurbation of Budapest, Budaörs is in search of solutions to similar issues.

Green Way

In 2008 Krisztina Csuport was the winner of a Goldfinger scholarship and thus attended a 12-month post-gradual training course specialized in energy-conscious environmental design. A student excelling at MOME, then the master course of Budapest Technical University Department of Public Building Design, she applied for the scholarship whilst working…

József Finta: Élet – Rajz

Kossuth Kiadó, 2010. 215 p
architectural drawings

Zoltán Bachman

Vince Kiadó, 2010. 321 p

The book of Zoltán Bachman documents an era unveiling a period in the cultural history of the past fifty years in the field of architecture, education and culture.

Endless parallels

The vision and creativity of György Kepes (1906-2001) and Frank Malina (19120-1981) are best characterized by the concept of universality expressed through experimentation in art, science, technology and radical innovation. The notions of interdisciplinary philosophy date back to a renaissance synthesis of knowledge drawing a long arc through art history.