Attic with Views
Attic in the Heart of Budapest
ÉpÃtészek: Krisztián Olbert, Alfréd Peschka, János Plájer
Szöveg: TÃmea Papp
Fotók: József Hajdú
Located in the heart of the Inner City, the house at No. 4 Garibaldi Street was restored and inaugurated in the summer of 2008. Originally a bank centre, it was remodelled as a dwelling-house partly functioning as an office block. It had stood unoccupied for twelve years when an investor recognized its potentials of having the attic constructed, which naturally involved the restoration of the whole structure.
Architects: Krisztián Olbert, Alfréd Peschka, János Plájer – P és P ÉpÃtész Stúdió Kft.
Fellow architects: Emőke Csikós, Katalin Juhász, Zsolt Országh
Static: János Volkai, Lilla D. Hetesi – Tm-Janeda
Electrical engineering: György Kovács – Provill
Installation: György Pavlics – PPR PLAN
Structure: Ferenc Barta
Client: Garibaldi 4 projekt Kft.
Main contractor: Reneszánsz Zrt.