Mathias Corvinus Collegium
Result of the Design Contest
In January 2021 Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation published an open design contest for the architectural concept of the main building of Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Somlói Road, Budapest. The primary objective was to create a building (complex) the distant silhouette of which encourages us to visit it, and translates a public function also with its exterior design, with a sight of a building unique and individual (lacking connotations), and yet allowing us to associate it with traditions of Hungarian architecture and culture. Of the toal of 11 entries, the majority of concepts submitted contain valuable ideas, especially with regard to the development of the site, the positioning of the sports facilities and its communication with its environment. The jury emphasized the significance of the concepts in which the spirituality and mission of MCC is reflected, including such details as the design of the gateway to the campus on Gellért Hill. The jury rated two entries, No. 4 and 28 as of outstandingly high standards, so both of these designs were awarded the first prize.