Pro Architectura Prize 2020
On November 19th, Minister Gergely Gulyás awarded the Pro Architectura prizes for recognizing the activities of those propagating and popularizing Hungarian architecture, the creation of high standard man-made environment, the protection and preservation of architectural values, and activities to shape architectural thinking as such, as well as outstanding achievements in the interests of reaching the goals of the National Architectural Policy, the contribution to significant architectural works as architects-designers. The Pro Architectura prize now went to excellent architects and designers, György Dénes, György Détári and Marcel István Ferencz, Tamás Dobrosi, István Bartók DLA and Péter Fejérdy, László Kokas, Márton Kálmán Nagy DLA, Balázs Falvai DLA and Dávid Török DLA, architect Miklós Péterffy, as well as to Gyula Káldi, expert in the protection of historic buildings, the Local Government of Gödöllő and Zoltán Tündik building contractor.