Architecture – without Buildings
Yona Firedman, LUMÚ, 29. 10. 2011. – 08. 01. 2012.
Text: György Szegő

Yona Friedman: Ville Spatiale, 1959-1960, a művész és a Ludwig Múzeum jóvoltából
A rarely seen exhibition with a free spirit has been organized by the Ludwig, with distance control from Friedman who is almost 90 years old now assisted by trustees Nikolett Erős and Hajnalka Somogyi, two French (architect Philippe Rizzotti and designer Gonzague Lacombe), as well as by Hungarian volunteers. The topic is the fragile presence and hoped for future of sustainable man-made environment as reflected by the oeuvre of the Hungarian-Israeli architect-society engineer. The exhibition completes the promise of the conference (and related laboratory works) organized last year in Trafó by Nikolett Erős, Hajnalka Somogyi and Samu Szemerey, assisted by the ever so young „Mr. Teacher” Friedman and young volunteers it efficiently represents one of the possible alternatives of the mainstream heading for disaster with the means of museum pedagogy and intensity.