A Fair House
Ignác Fehér Primary School, Algyő
Architects: András Köves, Csilla Bokor, István Lukáts, László (f) Rádóczy
Text: István Talmácsi
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
The ancient settlement, Algyő lived its usual rural life by the River Tisza, between Szeged and (Hódmező)Vásárhely, from 1973 on for a quarter of a century as part of Szeged. However, pecisely because of the oil fields separatedly from Szeged, not theatened by the danger of physical merging. Education in primary schools (in the way typical of villages) was in old school buildings scattered in the village among unworthy conditions. The now constructed new school is deservedly recognized by both professional and lay public opinion, also on the site. It brings in lasting, clear and pure, consequent forms and up-to-date architecture, with a well-applied, reserved palette, spacious and elegant interiors, fine inner lights, comfortable corridors, a student lounge and an aula.
ÉpÃtészet, belsőépÃtészet / architecture, interior design: Köves András, Bokor Csilla, Lukáts István, Rádóczy (f) László – Pécsépterv Stúdió Kft.
Statika / structure: Maros József, Kis Bogdán András
Épületgépészet / technical installations: Jeszták Urszula
Épületvillamosság / electrical engineering: ifj. Sas Gyula, Papp Péter
Táj és kerttervező / landscape and garden: Böszörményi Krisztina
Közmű / public utilities: Dittrich Ernő
Sporttechnológia / sport technology: Judik Zoltán
MegbÃzó / client: AlgyÅ‘ Nagyközség Önkormányzata
Generál kivitelező / main contractor: STRADEL 2010 Konzorcium