The Reconstruction of the Main Building of Uzsoki Street Hospital, Budapest
Architecs: Emese Kaló, Krisztián Dudics
Text: Miklós Okrutay
Photos: György Dénes
By today the luckier institutes of public health have undergone spectacular facelifts thanks to money won by EU tendering. This is what happened to Uzsoki Street hospital too. After the first significant development ten years ago now the main building has been reconstructed and revised architecturally and technologically. Originally built between 1899 and 1901 after designs by Aladár Géza Kármán and Gyula Ullmann as an Israelite orphanage for girls it was reconstructed after the designers won an open national tender. Besides the plenty of temporary solutions they had to face an architectural programme busting open the frames of the existing building. The success of the design and the realized construction comes from two sources: on the one hand it is a surprisingly clear logic of the planting of the desired new functions, on the other hand it is fastidiousness typical of the protection of historic monuments covering the tiniest details.
VezetÅ‘ tervezÅ‘k / leading architects: Kalo Emese, Pásztor József, Dudics Krisztián – ÉpÃtész Kaláka Kft.
ÉpÃtészek / architects: Szabó Eszter, Halmos Tamás, Jakab Veronika, Igar Péter, Dénes György – ÉpÃtész Kaláka Kft.
Statika / structure: Balogh Béla
Épületgépészet / technical installations: Bógyi László, Buka János, Gergely László, Györky Attila, Hegyi László, Wolf Károly, Csöppenszky István, Mészáros Lajos, Peressényi Klára, Hanczár Zsolt – Iparterv Zrt.
Orvostechnológia / medical technology: Gorzó Csaba, Kiss Andrea – Kortex Kft.
BelsőépÃtészet / interior design: Tildi Béla
Környezetrendezés / landscape: Bán Karolin – Égig Érő Fű Kft.
Kivitelező / main contractor: Hérosz Zrt.
ÉpÃttetÅ‘ / client: FÅ‘városi Önkormányzat