The Art of Dancing in Hamstrings
Váci Greens Office Block, Budapest, Váci Street
Archtiects: János Tiba, Zoltán Király
Text:Mária Tatai
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
Built on the site of the former Elzett factory, this complex was designed to consist of five buildings in an integral investment project with a well-reasoned scheme. Partly because of the previous development, a street grid along a sort of cardo–decumanus axis was created with a central forum at the junction. Office buildings are set along landscaped promenades at various levels and with a complex layout which may be used by people living in their wider environment for a walk, recreation or as pleasant meeting places. Of the development covering an arera of more than two hectares, approximately 2,000 square metre is occupied by the building completed right now. The six-storey house has a frame design, surrounding a spacious courtile. Four sides of the prism-shaped block with a curtain wall creates a firm spatial wall, and the overall impression is a light an airy one even so. The horizontal plan allowed for spacious office areas, large expanses of windows, and the courtile offered natural light for each work station: interiors are bathed in light. Where a separate area was needed, semi-transparent glass panels from the direction of the passage have been installed so as to retain transparency as an overall impression to reinforce the impression of belongingness.
Leading architect: János Tiba, Zoltán Király – TIBA ÉpÃtész Stúdió
Architects: Balázs Beczner, Zoltán Beszeda, Zoltán Bozsik, István Erdei, Veronika Hajas, Gergely Kovács, Csilla Patkó, Lóránt Perényi, Judit Skaliczki, Nándor Szabó P.
Structure: Péter Markovits, Róbert Kazsimérszky – Markovits Tanácsadó Mérnökiroda Kft.
HVAC, electrical engineering: Gábor Szigyártó, György Kapitor – SMG-SISU
Elevation: Szilárd Polgár, István Kronavetter – MetalCAD Kft.
Roads, public utilities: Mihály Lelkes, Péter Román –Budapest FÅ‘város VárosépÃtési TervezÅ‘ Kft.
Environment, acoustics: Pálné Bite dr. – Vibrocomp Kft.