Etudes composed on an Office Block
K4 Office Centre, Budapest
Architects: Katalin Csillag, Zsolt Gunther
Text: Miklós Okrutay
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
Seeing the first sweepingly dynamic reception, one has the impression that the newly built office block at the junction of Váci and Dózsa György roads does not take away anything but adds to the site, self-evidently re-phrasing the square by bringing along new lovely dynamics. It actually starts to exert its influence by the unique overall configuration, the inclusion of three bodies in the design, the spaciousness of the public plaza made free by the development, and the permeability of the whole block which now functions as a public domain. Components selected from a variety of means used by classical Modernism function effectively here, and architectural stunts seem well-fixed too. The three different types of facade design are actually architectural studies in themselves: etudes played by finger moves that seem to be so easy. On approaching first of all the wing which turns towards us we may interpret the whole development as a unique journey into architecture which takes us back in time. Embracing a whole level, the glass facade represents absolute present, whilst the low parapets fly us back into the late 60s, then we arrive at the very source of all, the classic design of lane windows, the triumph of a facade breaking itself free from the structure.
Architecture: 3h épÃtésziroda
Leading architects: Katalin Csillag, Zsolt Gunther
Project manager: Tamás Békesi
Fellow architects: András Márk Bartha, Zsombor Fehér, Lilla Kántor, Bence Kertész, Anna Sára Kiss, Tamás Németh, Orsolya Pataj
Framework: Róbert Gecsényi – Dinám Kft.
HVAC: János Bukovics – G&B Plan Kft.
Structures: Balázs Takács – FRT Raszter ÉpÃtésziroda Kft.
Electrical engineering: Ferenc Kelemen – Kelevill Kft.
Landscape: András Kuhn – Gardenworks Kft.
Acoustics: Andor Tamás Fürjes – Aqrate Kft.
Environment: Gábor Péter – Belemnites Mérnöki Iroda Kft.
Main contractor: Pedrano Group
Client: Futureal Development Holding Kft. és KPMG